
Becoming What We Receive

Elements of the Design

Three elements make up the design which altogether form a stylized monstrance: the sacred vessel in which the Eucharist is placed for adoration and for Benediction.

The design is composed of a circle, with four arrows and four individuals surrounding it in an alternating fashion.

The Circle

The circle in the centre of the design is the Eucharist, the sacramental Body of Christ. Drawing upon the teachings of the Church, Vatican II states that the “Eucharist is the source and summit of the Church.” As the centre of the Christian life, we are nourished and strengthened for the journey of life, and called to go out into the world to be the Body of Christ. The circle is a golden orange, which in Christian art, is the traditional colour for the Eucharist.

The Four Individuals

Saint Paul reminds us that the term “Body of Christ” can also be rightly applied to all Christians, who by their baptism, are made members of God’s family, the Church. As created in the image and likeness of God, any differences that exist between us (age, race, gender, etc) are only surface deep. On a fundamental level, we all share the same human nature making us all equal in dignity and co-heirs to the promise of eternal life. Hence the four individuals are all blue, the traditional colour in Christian art, of humanity.

These individuals have gathered to celebrate the Eucharist with their arms raised in prayer and praise, yet also extended in service to neighbour. We gather as a community of faith to worship God, and receiving nourishment and strength by the grace of the Sacraments we venture back into the world to carry on the work that Christ first began: to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, comfort the sorrowful, to proclaim the time of the Lord’s blessing and favour.

The Four Arrows

The four arrows point from the four corners of the earth, revealing the Eucharist as the source of life. They direct individual Christians to gather as a community of believers each Sunday, the day of the Lord. As a community, we journey together and we support and care for one another along the way. Yet the arrows also point outward, that having come together for prayer and worship we must go forth from this faith community back into the world to transform it. For a Christian does not only pray, but is also an active member of society by sharing the joy of the Gospel with all we encounter during the week.


The motto is our mission statement: Becoming What We Receive. It is based upon the writings of Saint Augustine on the Eucharist. On reflecting upon the moment of the elevation, he writes: “As the priest lifts up the Body and Blood of Christ for you to see, what he is inviting you do to is to behold what you are, and to become what you will receive.” By our partaking of the Eucharist, we become the Body of Christ to one another and to a world in need of Christ’s healing words and actions of love and mercy.