
Making a Difference in the Lives that Follow

As a Faith Community, many rely upon us for spiritual nourishment, to teach children, give guidance to youth, preserve our history, console the grieving, visit the sick, welcome new members, reconcile the sinner, instill hope, joy and love.

Yet none of this can happen without you.

As a Church, we rely solely upon parishioners and friends like you who give generously of their time, talent and treasure throughout their lives to meet the needs of those who call upon us.

Yet did you know that by including a charitable gift in your will, you will help to continue our work well into the future? You can continue to make a difference in the lives that follow.

When people are in need or hurting, you help. Your charitable gift touches those in need today. Our Parish Community touches the future. Together we create the vision for a better world. Our work and the lives we will touch, will be your legacy.

Whether you think of yourself as well off or poor, or somewhere in between, your gift will make a difference. Even a small amount can have a big impact over time.

Your planned gift will help future generations seek and find God in our beloved Parish Community of Corpus Christi, just as you have, until we all meet in Christ and are together forever.

For more information about planned giving and leaving a legacy, please contact the Parish Office.