We all have gifts from God, and we are all called to serve one another through our Baptism. We do not always recognize how or even where to begin. As with most of us, we find it difficult to believe that we have something to share. But we do! When we are willing to share a piece of ourselves with others, our gifts unfold, and we, as well as others, benefit in ways that only God knows and directs.
Click here to learn more about ministry in the Church and how God is calling you to use your gifts for his mission.
A Parish is a large multifaceted organization that exists to respond to the spiritual, emotional, and social needs of our parishioners. Councils and committees help to coordinate the overall leadership, vision and direction of all our ministries and programs to ensure that we are fulfilling our mission.
Click here to learn more about serving a leadership role on one of our Councils and Committees.
There are many ways to serve. Each person has been gifted with skills and talents which, when used, enrich and benefit the entire community. The various ministries briefly listed below are just some of many ways to respond to God’s call to build up the Church.
There are many ways to serve the Lord and one another. One way is to be of service in the various ministries to enhance our liturgical celebrations. It is not a question of being worthy or perfect, we are looking for individuals who have a hunger to grow in their relationship with God and a desire to share their gifts to make our Parishes places of faith, hope and love.
Click here to learn more about how you can help enhance our liturgical celebrations.
The entire Parish Community is responsible for the preparation and initiation of members into the Catholic Church. This is primarily accomplished by our prayer and by our authentic living of the Gospel by loving God with all our hearts, minds and souls, and our neighbour as ourselves. It is by the example in word and deed of each parishioner that a new member learns what it means to live as a Catholic Christian.
Within our Parishes, parishioners take on a variety of roles to directly assist those who wish to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion, Confirmation and Marriage. The commitment to serve within these ministries depends upon the chosen role and your availability.
Click here to learn more about how you can help teach and hand on the Faith to the next generations.
Our children and youth ministries take a comprehensive approach to lead all our children and young people to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, integrating them into the life of our Parish Communities, and to a deeper understanding of their Catholic Faith. It all begins at the child’s Baptism as we seek to support and encourage parents, as the first teachers of their children in the ways of faith, in our mission of living the fullness of Christian life through the perfection of love. To fulfill this mission we offer a variety of programs, resources and opportunities to support parents in the faith development of their children.
Click here to learn more about becoming a mentor for our children and young people.
Young people are essential members of the Body of Christ, the Church. They have a unique zeal for justice, faith, and love of the Gospel. They long for truth, and they will not rest until they find it. They challenge convention and inspire innovation. Young people inject a contagious energy into their communities and set hearts on fire. We cannot ignore young disciples for they are active witnesses to the love of Jesus Christ in our world today. We strive to provide opportunities for young adults to grow in faith and inspire others to follow in the path of Christian discipleship.
Click here to learn more about how to deepen your faith as you enter into your adult years.
A Church is not inward looking. Before Jesus ascended into heaven he gave the disciples the great commission to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28.19). We are on a mission and this moves us out into the world, into our wider communities, to bring healing, mercy, and compassion so that all people may know and respond to God’s love.
Click here to learn more about how you can be the hands of Christ in a hurting world.
For those who already volunteer in ministry, you can view the monthly schedule online.
Click here to access the schedules.
Within our Parish community we have groups of local, national and international character that our parishioners belong to in order to proclaim the Gospel. While each group has a particular way of fulfilling this mission, all exist to build fraternity and assist in building up the Church.
Click here to learn more about extending the mission of Christ in fraternity and charity.
The Catholic Women’s League of Canada is a national organization rooted in Gospel values calling its members to holiness through service to the people of God. The League is actively involved in our Parish and the wider community of our City.
The ladies of the League are involved in many programs and ministries of our Parish. Some of the highlights are: assisting as liturgical ministers; encouraging our children and youth; providing fellowship through our projects and gatherings; as well as providing spiritual formation for its members. The ladies of the League are also major advocates to resolve issues of interest to Catholic women taking them to local, provincial or federal governments for action.
Any Catholic woman who is 18 years of age is welcome to join this sisterhood. Every member of the Catholic Women’s League can answer your questions about joining the League.
Click here for more information on the activities of the League and joining this sisterhood!
The Knights of Columbus was founded by Father Michael McGivney in New Haven, Connecticut as a fraternal society based on the principles of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism.
The Knights of Columbus Council and Assembly seek to support the initiatives and ministries of the Parish. They support our youth ministry, assist as altar servers for funerals and other liturgical celebrations, serve as members on Parish councils and committees, don carpentry belts to maintain our facilities, promote respect for human life and in many other ways build up our communities.
All Catholic gentlemen over the age of 18 can find brotherhood in the Knights of Columbus. Any Knight can answer questions that you may have and provide you with a membership form.
Click here for more information on the activities of the Knights and joining this brotherhood!
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a Lay Catholic organization whose primary goal is to minister to the poor, regardless of creed, race or social background.
Click here to learn more about how you can be the hands of Christ to our brothers and sisters in our city.
We are men, 18 and over, who are seeking to grow in knowledge of God’s Word and become more faithful and active members of the Church through prayer, bible study, faith sharing and discussion.
Click here for more information on developing a strong love for God’s Word.
Saint Francis of Assisi prayed that “It is better to give, than to receive.” Stewardship is generosity in action. It is recognizing our responsibility to care for one another and to respond as best we can to the needs in our community. As such, stewardship is living the Christian life as fully and abundantly as possible. This is done by receiving God’s gifts gratefully, cherishing and tending them in a responsible and accountable manner, sharing them in justice and love with others and returning them with increase to the Lord.
Click here to learn more about practicing stewardship in our daily lives.
The Tree of Life is a legacy, a lasting way to remember the important moments during our lives on earth and a lasting way to remember loved ones who will always remain a part of our lives. The Tree of Life is a work of art and is a fitting permanent memorial for all of life’s special moments.
Click here to learn more about remembering a loved one or commemorating a special moment in life.
As a Faith Community, many rely upon us for spiritual nourishment, to teach children, give guidance to youth, preserve our history, console the grieving, visit the sick, welcome new members, reconcile the sinner, instill hope, joy and love. Yet none of this can happen without you.
As a Church, we rely solely upon parishioners like you who give generously of their time, talent and treasure throughout their lives. Yet did you know that by including a charitable gift in your will, you will help to continue our work well into the future? You can continue to make a difference in the lives that follow.
Click here to learn more about planning giving and leaving a legacy.
This annual campaign exists to meet the immediate needs of the Church in northwestern Ontario: to feed the hungry, promote the Faith, educate future clergy, support families, prepare children for the Sacraments, heal and comfort the sick in body, mind and spirit, and so much more….
Click here to learn more about how you can help build up the Church by contributing to the Bishop’s Diocesan Ministry Campaign.