
The seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter help us to mark time. Similarly, the Church has its own seasons that mark our journey of faith as we grow in discipleship and follow in the footsteps of the Lord.


The season of Advent is a time of waiting marked by preparation to welcome the birth of our Saviour at Christmas.

Click here to learn more about the season of Advent.


With our Advent preparations over, we enter into the joy of our Saviour’s birth and his coming into our lives.

Click here to learn more about the season of Christmas.


This solemn season of forty days prepares our hearts to follow the Lord’s walk to the cross to free us from sin.

Click here to learn more about the season of Lent.

Easter Triduum

The three most holy days of the year recall the Lord’s passion, death and resurrection.

Click here to learn more about the Easter Triduum.


This joyous season calls us to rejoice in the new life we have received through Christ’s death and resurrection. We are called to bring that new life to others.

Click here to learn more about the season of Easter.

Ordinary Time

This season is anything but ordinary. It reveals how the Lord called, taught and formed his disciples to be his Church and to carry out his mission.

Click here to learn more about the season of Ordinary Time.