
You have asked to have your children baptized. In doing so you are accepting the responsibility of training them in the practice of the faith. It will be your duty to bring them up to keep God’s commandments as Christ taught us, by loving God and our neighbour. Do you clearly understand what you are undertaking?

Parents: We do.

~ Rite of Baptism

The Sacraments & the Journey of Faith

On the day of your child’s baptism, the priest asked you the above question to which you promised guide your child in the ways of faith. As your child continues to grow, it is time for him/ her to make the next step in the journey of faith and of deepening his/ her relationship with God. As you present your child for the reception of the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion, you remain faithful to this promise made that day. May God continue to bless you as you fulfill the role of a Christian parent.


Registration for the 2021 year will open in September 2020.

For children in grade 2 attending a Catholic School, registration forms were distributed at the school in September.

For children in grade 2 attending a Public School, parents are asked to register directly with the Parish Office. The Registration Form is available at the Parish Office or by download.

Parent Meeting

This brief meeting will include an overview of the preparation process, expectations and a time for questions. The preparation booklets will be available for purchase at this meeting. This meeting will be held [date to be determined].

First Reconciliation Preparation

For preparation for First Reconciliation, the children will be learning about God’s compassionate love, Jesus’ forgiveness and his gift of peace to his friends. Reinforcing each week’s lesson at home, will give the parent an opportunity to anticipate some questions their child might ask, and to share some of their insights about reconciliation and forgiveness. These weeks of preparation can lead to many years of comfortable discussions as their child continues to grow and learn from God, from their parents and from the Parish Community. As the day for First Reconciliation moves closer, parents should help their children recognize the parts of the Mass in which we regularly ask forgiveness and make peace in our worship to God.

Your child is expected to attend every lesson.  If for a serious reason your child cannot attend, it is your responsibility to contact the Parish Office.  Your child is responsible for the missed lesson, and should have it completed before the next lesson.

For the schedule of preparation lessons, please click on the link below:

  • First Reconciliation Lessons Schedule

First Communion Preparation

During this preparation, the children will learn about the many gifts God has given us, especially the greatest gift of all, his Son Jesus. They will learn how they are nourished by the Body and Blood of Christ to assist them in growing in virtue and the Christian life.

Your child is expected to attend every lesson. If for a serious reason your child cannot attend, it is your responsibility to contact the Parish Office. Your child is responsible for the missed lesson, and should have it completed before the next lesson.

For the schedule of preparation lessons, please click on the link below:

  • First Communion Lessons Schedule


A Child’s Prayer

Lord Jesus, as I prepare to receive your Body and Blood for the first of many times, I ask you to watch over me, that as I grow, you will teach me all that I need to know. Protect me daily from all things bad and fill my heart with all things glad. Send your Holy Spirit to guide me and fill me with your love and grace. Amen.

A Parent’s Prayer

Lord, give us the wisdom and the courage to help our children as you would, to develop in them a Christ-like love for all people, to nurture in them a desire to give and not simply to take, to teach them to hear and live your Holy Word. Guide us in our parental responsibilities to strengthen our love as a family so that we may work together to grow closer to you. May we be the expression of your love to our children so that each day will be as today, your love received and shared, to help us to be one in the Body of Christ. Amen.