We seek to become what we receive: the Body of Christ in our place of the world by honouring God, serving others, and making disciples.
Our Values
The Sunday Eucharist is the source and summit of our Faith which we seek to live out in authentic, vibrant and life-giving ways. We value authentic worship in union with the whole Church.
We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God. All messages strive to break open this living Word to give direction and meaning to our daily lives. We value being doers of the Word.
Baptism makes us members of God’s family where we learn to love our neighbour as Christ loved us. We strive to build a parish community where people encourage one another to grow to their fullest potential. We value living together as community.
We receive the gifts of time, talent and treasure to grow God’s kingdom on earth. We commit to using these gifts wisely and effectively as good stewards. We value responsibility and accountability.
The Holy Spirit has gifted us with talents and skills to be shared for the benefit of others. We hear God’s call to serve both within our parish and beyond: in our city, country and the world. There is always more to be in accomplished in the Lord’s vineyard. We value that challenge.
Jesus came to seek and save the lost. We heed God’s call to share his message with the world. We look for opportunities to invite others to join us. We value growth.