
Within our Parish community we have groups of local, national and international character that our parishioners belong to in order to proclaim the Gospel. While each group has a particular way of fulfilling this mission, all exist to build fraternity and assist in building up the Church through acts of charity.

Catholic Women’s League

The Catholic Women’s League of Canada is a national organization rooted in Gospel values calling its members to holiness through service to the people of God.

The Catholic Women’s League of Corpus Christi is at the service of the Parish Community and our wider community of Thunder Bay. We are involved in many programs and ministries: assisting as liturgical ministers in our celebrations, providing opportunities for fellowship through our projects and gatherings, as well as spiritual support through special prayer services held throughout the year. The ladies of the League are also major advocates to resolve issues of interest to Catholic women taking them to local, provincial or federal governments for action.

Any Catholic woman who is 16 years of age is welcome to join this sisterhood. Every member of the Catholic Women’s League can answer your questions about joining the League.

Click here for more information on the activities of the League and joining this sisterhood!

Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus was founded by Father Michael McGivney in New Haven, Connecticut as a fraternal society based on the principles of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism.

The Knights of Columbus Council and Assembly seek to support the initiatives and ministries of the Parish. They support our youth ministry, assist as altar servers for funerals and other liturgical celebrations, serve as members on Parish councils and committees, don carpentry belts to maintain our facilities, promote respect for human life and in many other ways build up our communities.

All Catholic gentlemen over the age of 18 can find brotherhood in the Knights of Columbus. Any Knight can answer questions that you may have and provide you with a membership form.

Click here for more information on the activities of the Knights and joining this brotherhood!

Men for Spiritual Fitness

We are men, 18 and over, who are seeking to grow in knowledge of God’s Word and become more faithful and active members of the Church through prayer, bible study, faith sharing and discussion.

Click here for more information on developing a strong love for God’s Word.