
A Parish is a large multifaceted organization that exists to respond to the spiritual, emotional, and social needs of our parishioners. Councils and committees help to coordinate the overall leadership, vision and direction of all our ministries and programs to ensure that we are fulfilling our mission.

Pastoral Council

The Pastoral Council, representing the entire parish, works with the Pastor to assess the needs of, prepare and implement programs for, and coordinate the pastoral life of the Parish Community.  The Pastoral Council is an advisory body to the Pastor to ensure that the pastoral and spiritual needs of the Parish, those of the broader community as well as our responsibilities to the universal Church are met through the ministries and programs of the Parish. The Pastoral Council does not advise on financial or temporal matters of the Parish, for this is the purpose of the Finance Council. Meetings are held monthly from September to June, or when required.

Finance Council

The Finance Council is comprised of parishioners appointed by the Pastor to assist him in the administration of the temporal affairs of the Parish, ensuring the policies set out in the Diocesan Statutes are being followed. This Council prepares and approves the budget as well as the annual financial statements. The Finance Council meets on a quarterly basis or when necessary.

Liturgy Committee

Through our liturgical celebrations we worship God and grow in our communion with him. The mission of the Liturgy Committee is to foster the conscious, full and active participation of all parishioners in worship. The Committee accomplishes this by offering training workshops for liturgical ministers, preparing a prayerful atmosphere in the church building and celebrating the rites of the Church will dignity and solemnity. If you have a desire to help make the liturgies true celebrations of faith, hope and joy, then the Liturgy Committee is the place for you! Please contact the Pastor for more information.

Social Committee

An important part of Parish life is fellowship. Throughout the year Parish dinners and other opportunities to celebrate and socialize are held. This team coordinates these social gatherings. If you have the knack for organizing and hosting social events and enjoy being around others, then the Social Committee is the place for you! Please contact the Pastor for more information.