The thing the Church needs most today is the ability to heal wounds and to warm the hearts of the faithful. I see the Church as a field hospital. It is useless to ask a seriously injured person if he has high cholesterol! You have to heal his wounds. Then we can talk about everything else.
~ Pope Francis
What is Healing Ministry
Healing is a gift from God. It is evident throughout the Bible, particularly in Jesus’ ministry and the ministry of his disciples. The numbers of people who were healed by Jesus during his ministry on earth is astounding. When Jesus sent out his disciples to further his ministry, he “gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, and he sent them out to preach the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick” (Luke 9.1-2). Jesus’ commandment to his disciples is still very relative to Christians today, and the gift of healing is very much available to those who will simply ask God.
Our Purpose
The purpose of the healing ministry is to serve in a supportive role for those in need of healing prayer, to walk with them as companions on the journey toward physical, emotional, relational and spiritual healing through prayer. As a ministry, we follow two very simple guidelines:
We do not have any answers … only God knows why, when and how healing occurs.
We cannot heal anybody. It is God alone who heals. We serve only as his instruments of healing in whatever manner he chooses to use us.
What We Do
Members of the healing ministry team are available to meet with, to listen, and to pray for and with individuals who request healing prayer. Requests can be made by contacting the Parish Office.
A healing prayer service is celebrated on the third Tuesday of each month (September to June) at 7:00 pm.
Creating Safe Environments
The Diocese of Thunder Bay is committed to creating and maintaining safe environments in our Faith Communities for those who work, volunteer and gather within our Parishes and institutions. In keeping with Diocesan policy, involvement in parish ministry requires a mandatory screening process for all applicants. Ministries which will place the applicant in the company of vulnerable individuals will require additional screening, including a criminal record check.
Interested? What’s the next step…
If you are interested in assisting with the healing ministry, please contact the Parish Office to learn more and to register, or download the volunteer ministry application and return it to the Parish Office.