If I, who am your Teacher and Lord, have washed your feet, then you must wash each other’s feet.
~ John 13.14
There are many ways to serve the Lord and one another. One way is to be of service in the ministry of the Church. It is not a question of being worthy or perfect, we are looking for individuals who have a hunger to grow in their relationship with God and a desire to share their gifts to make our Parish a community of faith, hope and charity. Below are just some of the ways that you can get involved in our Faith Family of Corpus Christi. We warmly invite you to consider one of them as a way to fulfill the Lord’s call to serve.
Altar Servers carry the cross and candles at Mass and help the priest and the deacon at the altar. Servers must have received their First Communion to help with this ministry.
This ministry works in pairs each week behind the scenes to keep the sanctuary and the church clean, as well as laundering the altar linens. While much of the work is routine cleaning and maintaining, these ministers ensure that the church building is a clean and inviting environment for all who gather here.
This ministry seeks to help the children of our Parish grow in their faith and love of God through activities which teach them the message of the Sunday Gospel.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist in the distribution of Holy Communion when there are not enough priests or deacons present to exercise this ministry at Mass. Individuals suited to this ministry have a strong faith in the Eucharist and demonstrate it by their regular participation at Mass, and in their daily lives as Christians.
Hospitality meant something to Jesus. He always engaged people in conversation, took time to learn their names, to take care of their needs, and welcomed them no matter their reputation. Everyone who comes to church deserves to feel welcomed in God’s house. The hospitality ministry seeks to be the exemplify Christian hospitality by welcoming everyone to the assembly, to assist parishioners and friends, and to take up the offertory during Sunday Mass.
Lectors assist the congregation in reflecting on the Word of God by proclaiming, with clarity, reverence and conviction, the First and Second Readings and offering the Prayers of the Faithful.
Sacred Scripture is our “family history” remembered and proclaimed in the heart of the Christian community. The ministry of the lector calls for a person to grow in a loving knowledge of Scripture, so that the Word of God comes alive in the minds and hearts of the assembly.
Under the guidance of the Pastor, this ministry team is comprised of parish volunteers working together to create an environment of welcome, prayer, praise and thanksgiving.
Its objective is to heighten the awareness of those assembled to the liturgy being celebrated and the mystery of Christ revealed. The hope for all is to internalize the beauty, the peacefulness, the simplicity and the focus of the seasonal décor so as to prayerfully encounter the Lord, individually and as a community. Dedicated time, various skills and responsibilities, in a team environment, are required throughout the liturgical year.
It is said that those who sing, pray twice. Our music ministry, comprised of various choirs, help lead the congregation in raising our voices in praise to God during our Sunday Liturgies and special Liturgies throughout the year. Our Music Ministry also serves for funerals and weddings celebrated in the Parish.
These ministers volunteer their time and talent to care for the sacred vessels, vestments and other items used in the Liturgy. Much of this work is routine and behind the scenes, yet it is invaluable to the community as these ministers help prepare what is needed so that our liturgical celebrations flow and are prayerful experiences.
The Diocese of Thunder Bay is committed to creating and maintaining safe environments in our Faith Communities for those who work, volunteer and gather within our Parishes and institutions. In keeping with Diocesan policy, involvement in parish ministry requires a mandatory screening process for all applicants. Ministries which will place the applicant in the company of vulnerable individuals will require additional screening, including a criminal record check.
If you are interested in assisting with one of these ministries, please contact the Parish Office to learn more and to register, or download the volunteer ministry application and return it to the Parish Office.