
Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set the believers an example in speech and conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.

~ 1 Timothy 4.12

Young people are essential members of the Body of Christ, the Church. They have a unique zeal for justice, faith, and love of the Gospel. They long for truth, and they will not rest until they find it. They challenge convention and inspire innovation. Young people inject a contagious energy into their communities and set hearts on fire. We cannot ignore young disciples for they are active witnesses to the love of Jesus Christ in our world today.

We strive to provide opportunities for young adults to grow in faith and inspire others to follow in the path of Christian discipleship.

Revive Night

Revive is the young person’s opportunity to learn, pray and play some board games with other young people just like them at Corpus Christi Parish. It is a monthly youth night dedicated to the parish’s young people and others you would like to invite (ages 16 and up) to have fun and spend time with each other in the home of their parish family.

Click here to learn how to grow in faith and fun.

Theology on Tap

Theology on Tap is a monthly Catholic discussion series for all young adults in their 20’s and 30’s — married, single, devout or still trying to figure it out. Topics focus on faith and contemporary issues that directly affect the lives of young adults.

Theology on Tap seeks to put into action Pope Francis’ words to bring the Gospel of Christ into the streets and to speak it from the housetops, and to go to where people are. Theology on Tap aims to quench the spiritual thirst of young adults by discussing the faith and teachings of the Catholic Church in a comfortable environment.

Click here to learn more about quenching your spiritual thirst.

Creating Safe Environments

The Diocese of Thunder Bay is committed to creating and maintaining safe environments in our Faith Communities for those who work, volunteer and gather within our Parishes and institutions. In keeping with Diocesan policy, involvement in parish ministry requires a mandatory screening process for all applicants. Ministries which will place the applicant in the company of vulnerable individuals will require additional screening, including a criminal record check.

Interested?  What’s the next step…

If you are interested in assisting with one of these ministries, please contact the Parish Office to learn more and to register, or download the volunteer ministry application and return it to the Parish Office.