
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

~ Matthew 28.19

The Basics of Baptism

Baptism is the first Sacrament and the doorway to all the other Sacraments. Through it, we become adopted children of God and members of his Body the Church. Our Christian Faith tells us that in Baptism, we:

  • are reborn through water and the Holy Spirit as adopted children of God;
  • join Jesus in his death and resurrection as we pass through the water;
  • become members of the Church in which the Holy Spirit dwells and acts;
  • become disciples of the Lord Jesus;
  • are given the pledge of eternal life; and
  • are forgiven of sin and transformed into a new creation full of God’s grace.

Preparation for Baptism

There is no need to wait until your child is born to prepare for the Sacrament. In fact, we encourage expectant parents to register and take the preparation during pregnancy while you wait for the arrival of your bundle of joy.

Baptism preparation is offered four times a year. The preparation consists of 2 one-hour sessions to assist new parents and godparents in preparing for the beautiful Sacrament of Baptism.

Contact the Parish Office early so that the preparation is completed prior to your desired date of Baptism.

The Parents’ Commitment

Baptism is the first step in the making of a Christian. Following Baptism, your child begins the journey of Faith toward full membership in the Catholic Church by the eventual celebration of his/ her First Communion and Confirmation. Parents are asked to nurture the faith life of their baptized child each step along the way. This is the commitment you are making to God on your child’s baptismal day.

The Role of Godparents

Godparents have a very special role in Baptism and in the faith journey of their godchild. Godparents are role models of faith to help the child grow in faith and live by the teachings of Christ as taught by the Church. All Godparents must be Catholics, over the age of 16, who have received all three Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation & Eucharist).

Baptized non-Catholics may stand as Christian Witnesses in addition to the Godparents.

Please consult with the Parish Office prior to asking individuals to fulfill these roles.

What will Happen at the Celebration?

When Baptism is celebrated outside of Mass, the liturgy consists of the following five parts:

  1. Reception of the Child. All are greeted and the parents and godparents are questioned about their intentions and the child is claimed for Christ by the sign of the Cross.
  2. Liturgy of the Word. A scripture reading is proclaimed and intercessions are offered for the child.
  3. Preparatory Rites.  After a short prayer, the child is anointed with the Oil of Catechumens for spiritual strength.
  4. Rite of Baptism. This includes the blessing of the water, the vows of renunciation, the profession of faith, the Baptism, an anointing with Sacred Chrism, the clothing with a white garment and the lighting and presentation of the baptismal candle.
  5. Concluding Rites. The Lord’s Prayer is recited by all, followed by the final blessing and dismissal.

When are Baptisms Celebrated?

The celebration of Baptism normally occurs on the first and third Sunday of the month at 11:30 am. Consideration for other times may be accommodated based upon the Parish schedule and the Pastor’s permission.