
The Sacrament & the Journey of Faith

Confirmation is the one of the three Sacraments of Initiation of the Catholic Church. Confirmation continues and strengthens the grace we first received at Baptism.  The Sacrament of Confirmation roots us more deeply in our identity as God’s children; unites us more firmly with Christ; increases in us the gifts of the Holy Spirit; binds us more closely to the Church; and gives us special strength to bear witness to our faith in today’s world.


Registration for 2021 will open in September 2020.

For youth attending a Catholic School, registration forms were distributed at the school in September and are to be returned to the student’s teacher.

For youth attending a Public School, parents are asked to register directly with the Parish.  The Registration Form is available at the Parish Office or by download.

Confirmation Preparation

The preparation sessions will be held throughout the months of January to April in the Parish Hall before the evening Sunday Mass. The candidates are asked to bring their materials for each session. During this preparation, the young people will learn about the many gifts God has given us and of our responsibility to use these gifts for God’s glory and to make the world a better place in which to live.

The candidate is expected to attend every lesson. If for a serious reason the candidate cannot attend, it is his/ her responsibility to contact the Parish Office. The candidate will be responsible for the missed lesson, and should have it completed before the next lesson.

For the schedule of preparation lessons, please click on the link below:

  • Important Dates for Confirmation 2021

Preparation for the Candidate

How to Choose a Sponsor

Confirmation can be a great experience, and hopefully you have thought a lot about what this Sacrament means, and how the Holy Spirit will affect your life. You will be required to have a sponsor – someone who will guide you and share the story of faith with you. A good sponsor will make this process a little easier and even more fun.

If all has gone as planned, the best person will be one of your baptismal godparents. Having one of your godparents helps us to see how Baptism and Confirmation are connected. Sadly, by the time they get to Confirmation, many young people no longer know their godparents, or they are no longer good role models. Or maybe they just live too far away. These young people will need to choose a new sponsor.

Some advice to the candidates: You are looking for someone you trust, whose faith you admire and who will be there for you. The requirements for being a sponsor are: they must be practicing Catholics who have received the Sacraments of Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation, at least 16 years old and cannot be your parents. This means you can choose another relative, friend or someone from the Parish as your sponsor.

Preparation for the Sponsor

If you have been chosen to be a Confirmation sponsor, congratulations! The candidate sees in you a profound faith commitment, finds trust and knows you are someone who will care about them and their faith. Sounds impressive, doesn’t it? It is not all that complicated, but it does take time, a caring heart and a listening ear. Here are a few suggestions on how to be the best possible sponsor for your candidate:

• Be a living model of faith. At least a part of what this young person admires in you is your faith! If the way you practice your faith is not what it should be, “get it together,” so to speak! If you honestly cannot, this is understandable, but maybe you should decline the invitation to be a sponsor. You do not have to become a saint overnight, but your faith should be authentic and sincere.

• Pray for your candidate and yourself. As candidates decide to be confirmed, they need spiritual strength. Your prayers for them are important, but do not forget to pray for yourself also, that you can share why you value and practice your Faith. Attend Mass together, or even have the courage to go to Sacrament of Reconciliation together.

• Give of your time and share your gifts. You will be asked to spend time together on various activities. You could also share your own experiences or write a letter of encouragement. Let your unique God-given talents and gifts shine! Offer a gift of spiritual significance: a new Bible, rosary or book about our faith or about a saint, but be creative and relevant!

• Do not miss the ceremony. Participating in the ceremony is the easiest part of being a sponsor. Your basic job will be to place your hand on your candidate’s shoulder, and tell the bishop your candidate’s name. You are there to be a support, but your role on Confirmation day is only beginning.

• After the ceremony, do not forget this newly confirmed Catholic. After Confirmation day, remember birthdays and the anniversary of your candidate’s Confirmation. Send a card or make a phone call. Continue to attend church together, or from time to time do some service project. Put those “Gifts of the Spirit” into practice.